你正在寻找一种方法来发展你的业务吗? 你是否考虑过将视频作为营销策略的一部分?
视频是最强大的营销工具之一. It’s estimated that businesses investing in video advertising will double their sales and leads within 12 months, 所以利用媒体是有意义的.
Creating a video for your business can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With a videographer like 动态媒体制作, you can create videos with incredible results. 视频可以用来提高品牌知名度, 建立客户忠诚度, 发展您的业务和更多:
视频推荐 培训视频 社交媒体视频 视频教程 电视广告 产品评测视频 大堂视频循环 产品演示视频 投资者的演讲 |
网站视频 众包的视频 社交媒体广告 转播画面 体育大屏幕广告 加油站油泵视频广告 视频博客(Vlogs) 公司介绍 筹款视频 |
First, let's look at how you can use marketing videos to increase brand awareness. Videos are a great way to introduce potential customers to your business and its products or services. You can create videos that showcase the features of your product or service, 解释它是如何工作的, 并证明为什么它比竞争对手更好. You can also create videos that tell stories about your business and its values.
营销视频也是建立客户忠诚度的好方法. You can create videos that show customers how to use your product or service, 回答常见问题, 并提供有用的建议. This will help customers feel more connected to your business and make them more likely to come back for future purchases.
最后, you can use videos to grow your business by creating content that is engaging and informative. 你可以制作突出客户成功故事的营销视频, 提供教程, 分享正规手机网赌软件. This type of content will help you reach a wider audience and increase your visibility online.
Our staff has over a decade’s worth of experience producing videos for a variety of clients, 包括:
大学及学院 汽车经销商 食物及烹饪 旅游 金融 零售 |
医疗实践 热情好客 律师 宗教组织 时尚 健康与健身 |
如果我们没有与您的客户在同一行业合作, we have most likely addressed the same problems your business hopes to solve with the production of a video, 或者一系列的视频.
Whether you have a one-time project, or production needs on a regular basis, we’ll be happy to serve.
书叫Engage your audience with live stream videos produced by 动态媒体制作! 我们可以让它看起来就像一个直播电视节目, 完成多个相机角度, 图形, 音乐, 剪辑视频和更多! With TelePrompting, you'll sound just as professional as you would if it was a pre-recorded video!
Live streaming video has become an increasingly popular tool for businesses to reach their customers and potential customers. Live streaming video offers a number of benefits that can help businesses grow and succeed. 以下是直播视频对企业的一些最大好处:
1. Increased Reach: Live streaming video allows businesses to reach more people than ever before, 无论位置如何. This means that companies can reach potential customers from all over the world, 哪些可以帮助他们增加客户基础和销售.
2. Cost Savings: Live streaming video is a cost-effective way to reach customers, as it eliminates the need for expensive travel and other costs associated with traditional marketing methods.
3. Engagement: Live streaming video allows businesses to engage with their audience in real time, allowing them to respond to questions and comments quickly and efficiently. This can help to build relationships with customers and increase customer loyalty.
4. Increased Visibility: Live streaming video can help businesses to increase their visibility, 因为这让他们能够接触到比以往更多的观众. This can help businesses to stand out from the competition and attract more customers.
5. Flexibility: Live streaming video offers businesses the flexibility to broadcast their content whenever and wherever they want. This means that businesses can reach their customers at any time of the day or night, 对于拥有全球客户基础的企业来说,哪些是有益的.
整体, live streaming video offers a number of benefits for businesses looking to reach more customers and increase their visibility. By leveraging the power of live streaming video, businesses can reach more people than ever before
有效地推销你的服务和产品, 我们不仅要讲述你的品牌故事, 我们还必须让客户/顾客采取行动. Beautiful visuals alone will not positively impact your comapny's bottom line. 我们可以帮你做到这两点. 在动态媒体制作, our business video checklist to help our clients acheive their goals includes:
动态媒体制作 can produce a parody video for your business that will spike views and engagements 和你在一起r business. This is a video we produced for a client that was organically viewed 9000 times in less than 24 hours before their corporate leadership made them remove it off social media.
We can produce your advertising video and hand it off to your agency/media sales rep, 或者你可以让我们来处理你的投放/分销策略. 虽然他们的策略可能只关注印象数, we have the tools to incorporate a strategy based on actual sales and results.
我们不只是试图在你的预算上向你推销并分配它. Kinetic uses a proprietary system to responsibly calculate your budget based on the costs and profit of your goods and services.
我们不依附于任何一个电视台/有线电视系统, 甚至是任何一种形式的媒体. Kinetic will help our clients choose the option that's truly best for their business.
We've seen too many ad agencies invoice their clients for traditional and digital media buys only to take the money and not pay the media platform. 你直接支付,并且清楚地知道你要支付什么.
Your brand is more than just your logo; it's the culmination of not only the image your business projects into the marketplace, 还有顾客的整体体验, 或潜在客户在与你的公司互动时. It's what helps makes your company different from all of the other ones in your industry. 你的品牌包括有形的, such as colors and typefaces to the intangible such as how your service makes the customer feel.
公司品牌最重要的一点就是保留 一致的. 在动态媒体制作, 我们理解这一点,我们的视频将与您的品牌保持一致. If your company has not formally established branding guidelines and needs some help doing refining the brand, 甚至建立一个新的, 我们非常乐意提供帮助.